- How to cancel or modify my order?
- Can I order without an account?
- Can I modify an order once placed?
- What if an item is out of stock?
- Is it possible to order through the customer service center?
- What are the payment methods?
- Can I pay afterwards?
- My payment method declined, what can I do?
- Are prices including or excluding taxes?
- Does Balmain Hair accept giftcards?
Delivery & Returns
- What destination does Balmain Hair ship to?
- What are the shipping costs?
- Does Balmain Hair offer free shipping?
- What is the delivery time?
- Can I change a product for another product?
- What is boar hair?
- Do all the Care & Styling products contain heat protection?
- What does sulfate free mean?
- What is Silk Protein (Silk Amino Acids)?
- What is Argan Elixir (Argania Spinoza Kernel Oil)?